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Shkar Law

Foreman - Gebr. van Beek

“I have now been working at Gebr. Van Beek in Wehl for five years. Together with my colleagues, I make sure that the eggs from our farmers arrive in our packing station, are checked for quality and are put in the correct egg boxes so that they can be shipped to the supermarkets. I find it important to enjoy my work, that the work I do is valued and that I have a safe workplace. I don’t just mean the physical workplace, but also mean the culture here, where every opinion matters and that you can speak freely. For example, the fact that everyone is encouraged to find ideas for improvement and that they can put this in the suggestions box. The best ideas get a reward every quarter and improvement suggestions are then really implemented.”

Van Beek Group

Raphaëlstraat 6, 7031 BA Wehl
Postbus 31, 7030 AA Wehl
The Netherlands
Tel. +31(0) 314 69 51 11